St. Bartholomew’s, Old Forge and St. Anthony of Padua of Inlet and Raquette Lake

St. Bartholomew's Church
103 Crosby Blvd.
PO Box 236
Old Forge, NY 13420

Rectory: 189 Park Avenue
Parish Office: 103 Crosby Blvd

St. Anthony of Padua Parish of Inlet and Raquette Lake
Oratory: St. William’s, Raquette Lake
183 North Route 28

Rectory: 189 Park Avenue, 
Old Forge
Mail: PO Box 236, Old Forge, NY 13420

The religious education students from St. Anthony’s and St. Bartholomew’s parishes put on their annual Christmas pageant on Sunday, December 15.  We had angels, shepherds, three kings and the “parents “ of the child Jesus. Afterwards we had baked goods, juice and coffee for all Mass attendees. After all, the actors should be rewarded!


Please download and print out and send to St. Bartholomew's Church, PO Box 236, Old Forge, NY 13420 or you can go to the "Parish Giving" section and use a credit or debit card to buy a ticket online now."

At 9:30 on Sunday, July 14, St. Bartholomew’s and St. Anthony’s Churches had a joint outdoor Mass by the pond in Old Forge. Over 250 people attended the service, making this one of the largest attended Masses in some time! Fr. Kornmeyer announced that he may make this an annual event.

Bishop Terry LaValley visited Saint Bartholomew’s church on Sunday, August 4 where he concelebrated the 11:00am Mass. Celebrating with him were Fr. Thomas Kornmeyer, our pastor, Fr. Monohar Salla, our summer assistant priest, Fr. Philip Allen, of Indian Lake, Fr. Sony Pulickal of Lake Pleasant and our own Deacon Timothy Foley. We were proud to show the bishop our four active altar servers, members of the Chiodo family. A big thank you to  our active hosts and hostesses who put on a reception for all after the Mass: Anna Marie and Ray Restani, Dan Roberts, Jean Van Valkenburg, Amy Craska and Kelly and Mick Jones.

On Sunday, November 11, 2024, St. Bartholomew's and St. Anthony's parishes said farewell to our favorite deacon, Timothy Foley and his wife, Patty. Dozens showed up to wish them well as they are moving to a more populated area! Deacon Tim asked for his favorite food for the party: donuts. The Knights gave the deacon two dozen golf balls to help him improve his game. We will all miss Deacon Tim!

Mass Times

Weekend Mass schedule from October 14 until the last weekend in June:   

St. Bartholomew's: 
4:00 pm Saturday and 10:00 am Sunday 

St. Anthony: 
8:00 am Sunday

May Jesus Christ be praised!  
May He always be praised!   

The Sacrament of Penance is offered: 

Saturday 3-3:30 pm, before Sunday mass and by appointment at St. Bartholomew’s Church, Old Forge 

Sunday 7:30 – 7:45 am  and by appointment– St. Anthony’s Church, Inlet    



Parish Giving

Please use the QR code for each parish to directly donate electronically. Use your phone camera to zoom in on the QR code. The website: “” shows up. Click on those words and you go directly to the  Parish Giving site where you can sign up to donate. There is one code for each church. 

Parish Giving

St. Bartholomew

St. Anthony

Religious Education Information

Religious Education Registration

A new way of sharing information!
 Download, fill in and send or bring
 to the church office before September 15

Contact Us

Par​ish Staff:
Pastor – Reverend Thomas Kornmeyer, VF
Secretary – Linda Feltus
Faith Formation Director - 
Music/Organist - Br. Edward Bick
St. Bartholomew Church, 103 Crosby Blvd, Old Forge, NY
Rectory: 189 Park Ave.
Mailing address:  PO Box 236, Old Forge, NY 13420
Phone: 315-369-3554
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.